The film Jovana Perišić is dedicated to one former inmate of the prison camp in Norway – Radovan Rajić. He was held in the camps Stenvik and Ørland, where he was fixating the daily life of prisoners. His diary was published under the title “Ropstvo u Norveškoj (Slavery in Norway) 1942-1945” and this is one of the most important testimonies about the situation in the camps, food and labour, about how the inmates were treated by the guards and local inhabitants. Rajić emphasized that the Norwegians often helped the prisoners and described them positively. After World War II he became president of the Yugoslavian-Norwegian-Society.
The importance of every single person suffered during the war is what Jovana wants to underline:
„History should, among other things, not only write about the winners, but also about those people who were part of that battle, but to whom the light was not directed.”
The facts about the Holocaust are being taught differently in different countries:
„Unfortunately, Europe is very poorly versed in Yugoslav history, and that is what personally upsets me a lot. I wanted to correct that gap, because that part of history has been unfairly neglected and forgotten here in Serbia.”
The film is concentrated on the archival materials and seems to be quite impersonal. Historians, as Jovana herself, often face the difficulty of tying past events to the present and prefer to stick to historical sources. Besides, the accident happened on the way to Germany played its part:
„In the accident, I was quite injured and tied to the bed for three months, so there was not enough time to properly immerse myself in making the video, unfortunately. I wish it was different.”